Slay the Dragon

Slay the Dragon

By Barak Goodman & Chris Durrance

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2020-03-13
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 43min
  • Director: Barak Goodman & Chris Durrance
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


After the 2008 election, a secretive, well-funded partisan initiative poured money into state legislative races in key swing states to gain control of their redistricting processes and used high-tech analytics to dramatically skew voting maps based on demographic data. The result is one of the greatest electoral manipulations in U.S. history, one that poses a fundamental threat to our democracy and exacerbates the already polarized atmosphere in Congress and state houses across the country. The new documentary Slay the Dragon shines a light on this timely issue, and follows a handful of citizens’ groups, outraged by what they see as an attack on the core democratic principle that every person’s vote should count equally, as they battle party operatives and an entrenched political establishment to fix a broken system.


  • One sided trash should be thrown out

    By serphent in the cage
    How sad to think only one side exists when what they ought to realize it takes everyone doing something to make America great again. This films focus is on those who consider themselves great defenders of justice while it clearly falls to the left on a special spectrum. This is died in the wool socialist/Marxist propaganda from the beginning made to highlight the ability of the film to capture the essence of a snowflake. Bravo.
  • Garbage in Garbage out

    By Sushi4U
    Absolute garbage spewed by fanatics rolled into a propaganda piece. Gerrymandering is done by both parties, and this film chooses to cherry pick minimal information, throw in a bunch of "feelz" to appeal to PC crowd, focus on a few areas and excoriates one side only to label a party evil. Did you see where they took citizen question off census to rake in more representation for illegal immigrants. Where's the videos of vote buying, bussing voters to other polls, vote harvesting, mail in ballots being falsely filled out and turned in by the truckload. How about the voting registers with the dead and people that moved to another state still voting. Or officials who leave the polls with X boxes of votes but arrive to counters with X+3 more boxes. The proof exists, do your own homework and come to your own conclusion instead of wasting your time with propaganda
  • Please Watch! Our Lives are at Risk!

    By RMT1985
    This is a very well produced and detailed film. My heart is truly heavy with the political climate we are in. This is not red or blue it’s about voters. You owe it to yourself and the future to see this.
  • More liberal propaganda

    By StEvE CaR
    Trash from the start
  • Informative

    By ProgXDT85
    It shows how both parties are complicit in suppressing voters with gerrymandered districts. Regardless of what side of the spectrum you fall, if you don’t have the wealth, money and power; you don’t count.
  • Absolutely Trash

    By IrelynnRori
    A waste of time and money!
  • Liberal garbage

    By BushcraftNinja
    Another attempt to demonize one side over the other by attacking a party for doing what they BOTH are guilty of. Let’s not forget the constant mislabeling of our government as a’s a Republic people. Don’t be swayed by misleading garbage like this.
